Back to Blueberry Hill

Interior Decor, Design & Consulting

Home Tour: Part 1

In honor of  blogging for a full 7 months now,  I thought it would be fun to do a little “home tour.”


New around here?  Well then, let’s start with a little background: Pregnant with baby number 3, the Mr. (I was pregnant, not he) and I decided to move closer to his work which just happened to be in my home town.  Coincidentally, Mom and Dad were teetering on the idea of selling the house I grew up in.  A match made in Real Estate Heaven? Yes, I think so.  Buckle your seatbelts everyone, we’re going Back to Blueberry Hill 🙂

OK, let’s head on inside the main entryway, which we affectionately refer to as “the breezer.” Here’s a glimpse back to how it looked with our summer beachwear and towels:

bbhilldiybench DIY bench hall tree DIYBench3 DIYbench4 USEDIYBench
And now with a touch of fall:

Antlerspillowcover4 Antlerspillowcover1


And if you turn directly around:
differentangleDIYbreezer diybreezer BreezerDIY BreezerDIY2 Crock Breezer1 Shhhh, there’s one more corner that I haven’t shown yet that I’m just giddy about blogging later this week (Check back on Thursday!)

Now, if you walked directly through this “breezer” we would find ourselves out on our back deck:

IMG_0672 IMG_0740

MerckchairsIMG_0738 IMG_0750 IMG_0735  Merckstools MerckStools2

Refreshments anyone?

redcartdiy DIY Red Rolling cart

Rocking Chairs After


OK, heading inside…


This is a sign I made for the Kids’ playroom.  And for now, that’s all I’ll be blogging about in here.  Stay tuned really soon for some updated pictures (including a fun stable for horses Santa made for the littles).

We live in a tri level home, so there are two options to go from in here… first we’ll hit up the laundry room.  Yes, this is where a LOT of my time is spent.  🙂

Laundry3 Laundry2 Laundry5
Laundry10 IGLaundry Laundry9 Laundry7 Soap Laundry4

Now, if you pass through here, you’ll find our powder room:









Next, if you turn back around and go straight through the laundry room, you’ll enter the “cave” AKA the guest bedroom.


Shiplapfireplace8 shiplapfireplace6 Shiplapfireplace7

Shiplapfireplace4Guestbedroombed IMG_1881

Still under construction – you’ll be seeing more in here soon too.

Next up: the kitchen. (Normally you’d have to go back through to the playroom, then up a few stairs… lucky for you I’ll just bring you right there ;-))


If you turned your head you’d see this handsome devil to your right:


Then turning back to the left:


It’s been the most fun updating this area since well, we practically LIVE in the kitchen.

Newviewkitchen2 FarmhouseKitchen

I couldn’t wait to get some open shelving in here.  I love how open and bright it has made it.  That, and I just LOVE farmhouse style.

fallshelves1 fallshelves2 Fallshelves3 fallshelves5 fallshelves6

DIYcupsrack DIY Cups for days rack


DIY open shelving  DIYCrates


Newviewkitchen2 Newviewkitchenlights


DIYcommandcenter3  DIYcommandcenter2

Dizzy yet? I am.  Hope you enjoyed the tour thus far and stay tuned for Part 2 tomorrow! Thanks so much for dropping by 🙂

4 comments on “Home Tour: Part 1

  1. Oh. Paige your house is delightful. I am especially in love with the sign in your children’s playroom. Did you write it or did you find it somewhere? I’d love to make one of my own but think I need your permission I’d credit you of course but I would love to put it it in the entryway , so our GROWN kids would remember how much they were loved and still are ! You have a LOVELY gift of style! BLUEBERRY HILL √ PERFECT!*Cary

    1. Hi Cary,
      Thank you so much. Your kind words have made my day my dear… I made the sign after one I’d seen online, but I still to this day do not know who wrote it/said it originally.
      I think its one that will stand the test of time… young and old can appreciate its meaning. 😉 Happy Decorating!

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